Protect Your Identity and Accounts


  • Do not click suspicious links or open unexpected attachments or texts. Be aware of Phishing emails and SMiShing texts.
  • Do not provide account info to links in emails or texts.
  • Do not provide account information over the phone to live or automated systems other than FFBO Anytime Access phone banking at 877.772.2237.
    • Always verify the identity of the person on the phone by calling back a known number.
  • Do not use unknown or unsafe devices to access your account.
    • This includes cell phones, tablets or computers.
  • Use only phones, tablets and computers with the latest software and security patches.
  • We are providing these instructions as a courtesy only. We cannot and will not provide any support beyond providing these written instructions. Do not call for technical support.
  • Even with these recommendations, you the consumer must remain vigilant and suspicious of requests for information in order to protect yourself. Be very careful and report all suspicious activity to FFBO immediately.
  • Report fraud immediately. Call us:
    • Main Office: 419.468.1518
    • Toll Free: 888.888.4314.
  • To report a lost or stolen VISA or MASTERCARD credit card, call 800.325.3678
  • To report a lost or stolen VISA DEBIT or ATM card, call:

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Telephone iconApproved Methods of Contact

Learn all contact methods that First Federal Bank of Ohio uses to contact you.

Email Phishing iconBeware of Phishing Email

Phishing is a form of fraud in which the attacker tries to learn information such as login credentials or account information.

SMiShing Text iconBeware of SMiShing Text

SmiShing is about sending false, fake text messages, claiming the mobile user that they have won a free product or need to enter information.

Desktop and mobile device with a padlockLearn How to Secure Your Devices

Choose your appropriate device below for instruction on how to increase security measure.

Windows Android • iOS

Desktop and mobile device with a padlockMobile App Downloads

Download the mobile app for your smart phone.

Laptop with a padlockOnline Banking Information

Online Banking security is intended to prevent unauthorized access to your account, validate your identity, protect your account information from fraudulent use, and prevent the theft of your identity.

Bill Pay in Online Banking

Risks and ways to protect yourself using bill pay in online banking.

BriefcaseBusiness Online Banking Customer

Business Online has enhanced electronic transaction capabilities.

Personal Check and Debit Card

Friendly Checking

Make the most of your money by earning interest on your deposit! Online banking available.

Learn More